Carrel application

Last update: May 16, 2023

The main purpose of carrels is to provide graduate students and post-doctoral fellows in the Physical Sciences and Life Sciences Divisions, especially those preparing their theses, with quiet working space. The majority of carrel assignments and renewals take place in September. Carrels are assigned according to the following priorities established in conjunction with the School of Graduate Studies:

  1. Doctoral students (Divisions III and IV) in the 3rd year of candidacy and beyond*
  2. Post-doctoral fellows affiliated with the University (Divisions III and IV)
  3. Doctoral students (Divisions III and IV) in their second year of candidacy
  4. Other doctoral students (Divisions III and IV)
  5. Full-time master’s (Divisions III and IV)

*Applicants in Priority 1 will be permitted to hold a carrel for a total of three years, not necessarily consecutive. Carrels will be assigned for 11 months.

All applications, including those for renewal of current carrels assignments, should be submitted using this form.  Any application received later than the end of August will be treated as a late application. 

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