Carrel usage agreement

University of Toronto graduate students or post doctoral fellows assigned a carrel at the Gerstein Science Information Centre are expected to be aware of and adhere to the following conditions:

  1. I am aware that I must reapply for a carrel assignment annually before August 31st.

  2. Only library material which is signed out to the carrel holder may be kept in a Gerstein carrel. Journal issues or volumes and reference material may not be signed out. Material that is not signed out to the carrel holder, including journals and reference material, will be removed. Repeated violations may result in loss of an assigned carrel. Carrels will be checked regularly by library staff.

  3. As carrels are shared study spaces, graduate students or post doctoral fellows assigned to them are expected to be respectful of the needs of fellow occupants.
  4. A shared carrel is assigned to you and is expected to be used only by you. Your carrel and door fob are not transferable to another person. Each occupant is expected to use only the specific carrel desk assigned to them.

  5. For safety and security reasons nothing is to cover or to be posted on the windows in carrel doors or parts thereof.

  6. Nothing is to be posted on carrel walls.

  7. A carrel is not to be used as an office.

  8. Eating is not allowed in the library or in carrels. Drinks in closed containers are permitted.

  9. The desk, chair and office is to be left in the state in which it was found.

  10. When your use of the carrel has ended (not to exceed three years in duration) you must return the door fob and filing cabinet key (if provided) to Gerstein Access/Information Services Specialist Catherine Duff.

  11. For safety reasons, electrical appliances such as kettles, coffee makers, etc. are not allowed to be used in carrels.