Gerstein Science Information Centre
9 King's College Circle, Toronto, ON
Elena started at Gerstein on Halloween, 2005 and has served in a variety of capacities since then. Currently, Elena is a Liaison and Education Librarian.
Puts MT, Tapscott B, Fitch M, Howell D, Monette J, Wan-Chow-Wah D, Krzyzanowska M, Leighl NB, Springall E, Alibhai SM. (2015). A systematic review of factors influencing older adults' decision to accept or decline cancer treatment. Cancer Treatment Reviews, 41(2):197-215.
Puts MT, Tu HA, Tourangeau A, Howell D, Fitch M, Springall E, Alibhai SM. (2014) Factors influencing adherence to cancer treatment in older adults with cancer: a Systematic review. Annals of Oncology, 25(3):564-77.
Puts MT, Santos B, Hardt J, Monette J, Girre V, Atenafu EG, Springall E, Alibhai SM. (2014). An update on a systematic review of the use of geriatric assessment for older adults in oncology. Annals of Oncology, 25(2):307-15.
Puts, M. T. E., Hardt, J., Monette, J., Girre, V., Springall, E., & Alibhai, S. M. H. (2012). Use of geriatric assessment for older adults in the oncology setting: A systematic review. Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 104(15), 1133.
Puts, M. T. E., Papoutsis, A., Springall, E., & Tourangeau, A. E. (2012). A systematic review of unmet needs of newly diagnosed older cancer patients undergoing active cancer treatment. Supportive Care in Cancer, 20(7), 1377-1394.
Prigoda, E. & McKenzie, P.J. (2007). Purls of wisdom: A collectivist study of human information behaviour in a public library knitting group. Journal of Documentation 63(1): 90-114.
McKenzie, P.J., Prigoda, E.M., Clement, K., & McKechnie, L. (2007). Behind the program-room door: The creation of parochial and private women’s realms in a Canadian Public Library. In J.E. Buschman & G.J. Leckie (Eds.) The Library as Place: history, community and culture (117-134). Westport, CT: Libraries Unlimited.
Middleton, A.L.A. & Prigoda, E. (2001). What does ‘fledging’ mean? Ibis 143(2): 296-298.
Selected Conference Presentations
Springall, E. (June 11-13, 2014). Blending e-learning with face-to-face teaching: the best of both worlds or just twice the work? European Association for Health Information Literacy, Rome, Italy.
Springall, E. (May 2012). Is the grass greener? Comparison of factors. Medical Library Association Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA.
Springall, E. (May 2010). Portrait of a nursing student: Review of the psychology literature and implications for instruction. Medical Library Association, Washington, DC.
Springall, E. (May 2008). The Cultures of Medicine and Nursing: Impact on information fluency instruction. Medical Library Association, Chicago, IL.
Springall, E. and P. J. McKenzie (January 2008). Purls of Wisdom: Human Information Behaviour in a Public Library Knitting Group. ALISE: Association for Library and Information Science Educators, Philadelphia, PA.
Springall, E. (June 11-15, 2012). Optimizing an informatics curriculum: Using CanMEDS and ACRL standards to review our instruction. Canadian Health Library Association Annual Meeting. Hamilton, ON.
Springall, E., et al. (February 2012). Libraries on the other side of the world. Ontario Library Association Superconference, Toronto, ON.
Hagstrom, C.P. and Springall, E. (May 2011). Japanese 101 OR libraries on the other side of the world. TRY Conference, Toronto, ON.
Springall, E. (February 2011). Health Informatics from Start to Finish, or, Strike while the iron is hot: Informatics courses embedded in the undergraduate medical curriculum at the University of Toronto. Cochrane Canada 9th Annual Symposium, Vancouver, BC.
Springall, E. (May 2010). Online Informatics Curriculum for Undergraduate Medical Education. Educational Achievement Celebration at the University of Toronto, Toronto, ON.
Devakos, R. and Springall, E. (May 2007). Teaching Open Access Resources for Faculty, Students and Public Research. WILU: Workshop for Instruction in Library Use, Toronto, ON.
Springall, E. (February 2007). The Librarian is IM! Instant Messaging versus Virtual Reference Software…the Great Debate. Ontario Library Association Superconference, Toronto, ON.