Gerstein Science Information Centre
9 King's College Circle, Toronto, ON
Carey helps U of T students and faculty conduct effective research to support entrepreneurial education and exploration. She joined the University of Toronto as Entrepreneurship Librarian at the Gerstein Science Information Centre in 2015. She has worked as a business librarian at University of Western Ontario and York University, and spent over a decade as a marketing journalist and editor, copywriter and content marketer at digital agencies and startups in Canada and the Nordic Region. Her current research interests include the history of the U of T accelerator network, and the research habits and needs of campus entrepreneurs. She coordinates an open workshop series on Entrepreneurship Research Skills, accredited under the U of T co-curricular record. She also manages the Gerstein 3D printing services in partnership with the MADLab. She was part of the team leading The 99 AI Challenge, an education and awareness-building pilot project for non-technical experts.
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8488-8550
Original research
Toane, C. (2024). Founding Stories: The development of the University of Toronto accelerator network, 2000-2021 [online exhibit]. Exhibits U of T. https://exhibits.library.utoronto.ca/exhibits/show/foundingstories
Toane, C. and Shujah, S. (2024). Campus entrepreneurs’ research habits and needs: a five-year study. Reference Services Review, 52:2, pp. 257-277. https://doi.org/10.1108/RSR-01-2024-0001
Ritchie-Baum, M., Levandowski, A., Toane, C., & Cramer, S. (2022). Cannabis entrepreneurship: A guide to core concepts, resources, and research strategies. Journal of Business & Finance Librarianship. DOI: 10.1080/08963568.2022.2137971
Toane, C., Inglis, H., Shujah, S., Spence, M. (2022). Aligning Business IL with Startup Thinking: A series of open workshops. In G. Snipes et al (Eds.), Teaching Business Information Literacy. Chicago: ACRL.
Toane, C., Doucette, L., Rousseau, P., Serafin, M., Spence, M., & Kim. C. (2022). The 99 AI Challenge: Empowering a University Community through an Open Learning Pilot. In A. Wheatley and S. Hervieux (Eds.), The Rise of AI: Implications and Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Academic Libraries. Chicago: ACRL.
Toane, C. & Figueiredo, R. (2018). Toward core competencies for entrepreneurship librarians, Journal of Business & Finance Librarianship, 23:1, 35-62, DOI: 10.1080/08963568.2018.1448675
Toane, C. (2017). How entrepreneurship librarians help campus accelerators grow. University Affairs. http://www.universityaffairs.ca/career-advice/career-advice-article/entrepreneurship-librarians/
Toane, C., & Rothbauer, P.M. (2014). 'Pure delight and professional development’: The reading practices and library use of an active poetry community. Canadian Journal of Information & Library Science, 38(2). https://doi.org/10.1353/ils.2014.0010
Book reviews
Toane, C. (2024). Practicing Privacy Literacy in Academic Libraries: Theories, Methods, and Cases, edited by Sarah Hartman-Caverly and Alexandria Chisholm. Canadian Journal of Academic Librarianship, 10. https://doi.org/10.33137/cjalrcbu.v10.44269
Toane, C. (2022). Creativity: A Toolkit for Academic Libraries, by Nancy Falciani-White. Canadian Journal of Academic Librarianship, 8, pp.1-3. https://doi.org/10.33137/cjalrcbu.v8.37831
Workshop in Instruction and Library Use (WILU), May 17, 2023
Presentation: Data Detox Week: Building Capacity and Challenging Students to Take Control of their Digital Lives with J. Martyniuk
ALA Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) Conference, March 16, 2023
Poster Presentation: "Overwhelming, Expensive, Essential": A five-year comparative study of campus entrepreneurs research habits and needs with S. Shujah
Ontario Library Association Super Conference, February 3, 2023
Remote presentation: Data Detox: Challenging Students To Take Control Of Their Digital Lives with J. Martyniuk and M. Spears
eCampus Ontario Technology and Education Seminar and Showcase (TESS) Conference, November 16, 2022
Presentation: Expanding Maker Literacies through a Hybrid Model: How a pandemic-driven remote 3D printing service makes our makerspace more inclusive” with M. Spears and J. Wu
ACCESS Conference, October 13, 2022
Hybrid presentation: “More Than a Migration: Moving a Library 3D Printing Service Online” with M. Spears and J. Wu
Entrepreneurship and Libraries Conference, Online, November 13, 2020
Presentation: “Aligning Business Literacy with Startup Thinking: A Series of Open Workshops” with H. Inglis and S. Shujah
ACRL Together Wherever virtual event, June 12, 2020
Presentation: “Meeting The 99 AI Challenge: An Open Learning Experiment for Non-tech Experts” with L. Doucette, C. Kim, P. Rousseau, M. Serafin, and M. Spence
Entrepreneurial – Work Integrated Learning: Beyond Incubation symposium, September 25, 2019
Presentation: “Measuring Impact of Librarian Instruction and Support on Experiential Student Learning” with K. Fuller
ACRL Conference, Baltimore, USA, March 23-25, 2017
Poster presentation: “Stealth Mode: Research Habits and Needs of Campus Entrepreneurs”
VentureWell Open Conference, Washington DC, March 24-25, 2017
Poster presentation: “Stealth Mode: Research Habits and Needs of Campus Entrepreneurs”
OLA Super Conference, February 1-4, 2017, w. C. Kim and H. Kula
Presentation: “Entrepre-curious? How Libraries Support Entrepreneurs”
Supported courses 2024-25
CSC454: The Business of Software, Dept. of Computer Science Innovation Lab (Dept. of Computer Science, Faculty of Arts and Science)
HMB491: Projects in Biotechnology Industry (Dept. of Human Biology, Faculty of Arts and Science)
JPM300: Research Readiness and Advancing Biomedical Discoveries (Dept. of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Faculty of Arts and Science)
JPM400 Biomedical Incubator Capstone Project (Dept. of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Faculty of Arts and Science)
MUS3610H Music Entrepreneurship: Music and Cities (Faculty of Music)
OCT1133 Occupational Therapy Practice III (Dept. of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy, Faculty of Medicine)
PSL4050H Collaboration and Commercialization in Physiology (Temerty Faculty of Medicine)
Chief Librarian's Innovation Award for "UTL Student Founder-in-Residence (SFiR) pilot." 2022.
Chief Librarian's Innovation Award for "Data Detox: A challenge to take control of your digital privacy, security, and wellbeing." 2022.
Chief Librarian's Innovation Grant for "The 99: An AI Challenge for the U of T Community." 2019.